To you who are reading this, I hope your journey towards peace, abundance and happiness is progressing swiftly. This has been an amazing year. While I continue to hone the songs I am going to release for you all in 2023, my personal growth has been in the spotlight of my attention. Aside from being a recording artist, I am also a leader in software business and a lifelong spiritualist. My career is crescendoing, as my work impacts entire companies and people from high up in various organizations are seeking my expertise. In that sense, the universe has taken care of my basic needs. I have enough to do whatever I like. With that need met, my consciousness has been free to reflect on more important things. While I work during the day, my focus has been almost exclusively on my spiritual growth. This may sound lopsided, but actually, with my focus on my Self, my work proceeds more smoothly than ever. When I'm working, I nail it and when the clock hits 5pm, I forget all about it. This frees me up to focus on the significance of life without carrying any mental baggage from day to day. Who are you? Are you just a small person? A cog in a massive machine? No. Something in you says that you are great. That you are massive, magnificent, beautiful. Original, unshakeable, unchangeable, incorruptible. And that is my work. For me and for you. After all, we are one.
While my spiritual life has been the focus for many years now, sometime in August, it took off like a rocket blasting into space. Sometimes, we have a moment: "Wow! Did you see that coincidence?" and we get an inkling that there is an intelligence that is guiding our lives which knows more and better than we do. In the early stages of spirituality, we call that "God". But as one becomes devoted to that God, perhaps over many years, many lifetimes, one is led to the highest realms of spirituality, what we, in India, call "non-duality", the final step of the spiritual journey. It is no coincidence that this knowledge is so readily available from India. If there is a place where our spiritual mother resides, it is there. That same God that we become devoted to eventually reveals itself to be ourself. In India, we say that every soul is dreaming a world within its mind. The power of dreaming is God. The only thing true in that world is the one who is seeing. Everything seen is a mere mental projection of that original seer. Whatever you want to see, you experience. You are infinite potentiality. This means that the only thing real is you. You created your body, your parents, your world, your teachers, you created the Self which you are identified with currently. But actually, you are the power that is creating all of it. Like a dreamer creates a dream world simply by thinking and feeling.
When Lord Krishna was on the battlefield with Arjuna, he revealed his true form as all of existence. This is beingness. The more time I spend in this world, the less I am a person, and the more I am remembering myself as the entire phenomenon. And the world reveals itself to be me quite naturally, because it has been the truth all along. That force which dawns as God is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. It is the all and it speaks just your language, so that you can understand and recognize it. When God speaks to you, does it not speak exactly your language? It speaks to the symbols in your memory so that you can recognize it. How does it know you so perfectly? The idea that God is separate from you needs to be dissolved. The truth is that you were never a person. You have been that God, creating this dream world, the entire time.
It is difficult for some to accept that they are not a person. For they say, "Well, I have a body. When I get hurt, I feel pain. That is real." But this is true even of a dream. While dreaming, you have no idea that you are dreaming. The mechanics are identical to a dream. There is no difference between the sleeping dream and this waking state. You create a body first, through which you experience a world of your own creation. That which makes the dreamworld seem real is memory and expectation. From that, this predictable and expected world is constantly created. In reality, if you became fully aware of your dreaming power, you could snap your fingers and be on Mars. That is how malleable this seeming "reality" is.
This world experience exists in consciousness. This much is certain. Everything you've ever been through was by your own design. Only you did not know that you were the director of this play. However, this is not a difficult problem to solve. Since you are the totality, even now, all that needs to happen is a shift in your awareness to who you really are. It is here even now. The smallness of the person is easily dropped. Because the real is so vast, so massive, so glorious. And this is that true nature we have been seeking. It drops on us naturally and slowly the person disappears.
Now, I know the things I need to know. Not as a function of the intellect, but as a function of my omnipresence, my omnipotence, my omniscience. This same mind that I thought was a little hamster on a wheel, has revealed itself to be the source of all creation. Everything I need to know, I am shown, at the right time. Everything that seemed wrong and dangerous, is now being alchemized into light. The entire superstructure of me and this world is being purified. I am re-discovering that I am not a person at all. I am the intelligence in which this entire universe is unfolding.
Walk through this world knowing it is your Self. You are the God of this creation. But to realize it, you will need to surrender to your own light. You will need to drop smallness, pettiness, darkness, and power over others. All those ugly things that result from your fear and desire. And when your fear and desire are dead, all that will be left is you, as God.
Happy New Year. Let's bring in that 2023.